Reflections from ARCTIC MOMENTUM in Finland: Entering a New Paradigm
Dear Friends,
Recently, the SilverLining team had the privilege to participate in and support a remarkable event held by youth-led Operaatio Arktis in Helsinki, Finland. Called “ARCTIC MOMENTUM,” this extraordinary gathering of scientists, policymakers, and indigenous and youth leaders focused on the urgency of protecting the Arctic and the need for research on an expanded set of responses.
The opening talk, delivered by the remarkable 22-year-old Anni Pokela, and written by her young colleague Anton Keskinen, called for a new paradigm for responding to climate change in one of the most powerful talks on climate interventions ever given. In a very unusual call to action from SilverLining, we urge you to watch this talk.
The event series included a two-day stakeholder workshop and a full-house public event at the Bio Rex Theater, the most central theater in Helsinki. In addition to Anni’s powerful talk, the event included remarks from the front-runner in the Finnish presidential elections and other policy officials, including a senior representative of the Sámi indigenous people, and scientific experts. The event was produced and hosted, in its entirety, by the Operaatio Arktis team.
ARCTIC MOMENTUM and Operaatio Arktis were supported and mentored through SilverLining’s Global Young Leaders Initiative (GYLI). We shared our experience and our network, but the end result surpassed what we could have envisioned. At SilverLining, one of our priorities is advancing inclusive and equitable international research and decision-making on climate intervention. It is imperative that open information is available for all stakeholders to consider climate interventions and to support global scientific cooperation. We need more events like ARCTIC MOMENTUM to bring together diverse groups with a stake in this topic and advance this perspective.
As we transition from summer, it's clear that the urgency of research on climate intervention remains as pressing as ever. We appreciate your engagement with us in these important efforts. Please see below for further information compiled by Lydia Dai, one of our International Strategy Fellows.
Best regards,
Kelly Wanser
Executive Director, SilverLining
Operaatio Arktis
Operaatio Arktis is a youth-led science communication project based in Finland with the objective to preserve the Arctic sea ice. To safeguard the critical local and global role of the Arctic, Operaatio Arktis is promoting research for feasible, ecologically sustainable, and equitable climate interventions with a growing network of stakeholders.
ARCTIC MOMENTUM: A Deep Dive into Arctic Climate Interventions
ARCTIC MOMENTUM, a youth-led climate intervention symposium in Helsinki, was a focused gathering of experts and youth, all dedicated to discussing the potential of climate intervention strategies to preserve the Arctic sea ice. The event integrated scientific research, indigenous wisdom, and governance in its dialogue, addressing the multifaceted challenges of climate change.
Pekka Haavisto (Member of Finnish Parliament and leading candidate for President)
[Photo by Pietari Purovaara & Santtu Salminen]
Engaging indigenous peoples: Bridging the Gaps in Science and Research
A number of Arctic indigenous representatives attended the Helsinki meeting. Potent narratives arose from the indigenous attendees, particularly from the Finnish Sámi youth council and Noereh from Norway, that called for inclusive research and respect for Sámi land and described the calamitous effects of a warming climate on traditional livelihoods. Their profound message resonated with attendees, emphasizing that indigenous knowledge must be considered in climate intervention strategies.
Pirita Näkkäläjärvi (member of the Sámi Parliament), Lotta Hagelin (Operaatio Arktis), Inka Musta (Luontoa Consulting)
[Photo by Pietari Purovaara & Santtu Salminen]
Unraveling Governance and Community Perspectives
SilverLining Executive Director Kelly Wanser delved into the nuances of international policy and research on climate interventions, underlining the urgency to bolster research capabilities, especially in the Global South. Echoing her sentiments, our colleague, Ricardo Pineda Guzman, spotlighted the climatic vulnerabilities of his native country Honduras. His heartfelt presentation underscored the need to view climate intervention as a viable tool to mitigate near-term climate impacts, especially for vulnerable nations in the Global South.
Ricardo Pineda Guzman (co-Founder, Sustenta Honduras, and International Strategy Fellow, SilverLining)
[Photo by Pietari Purovaara & Santtu Salminen]
The Public Perspective
A separate public segment of ARCTIC MOMENTUM, attended by a few hundred enthusiastic Finnish locals, was particularly noteworthy. Anni Pokela, project manager at Operaatio Arktis, gave a rousing speech that convincingly argued for a paradigm shift on climate intervention. Her analogies, comparing the Earth's plight with a smoker diagnosed with lung cancer, were both poignant and thought-provoking. "The new paradigm is about climate repair... We know that the Arctic sea ice will be lost without climate intervention… so what do we do?" she posed.
For those keen to immerse themselves further in the deliberations, the complete recording of ARCTIC MOMENTUM’s open segment is available here.
Audience members at the open event hosted in the city's most central cinema
[Photo by Pietari Purovaara & Santtu Salminen]
Scientific Experts on the Realities of Proposed Arctic Interventions
Scientific experts at the forefront of research on climate interventions, including young early career scientists, offered valuable insights (and some reality checks) on possibilities for using localized and global climate interventions to restore stability in the critical Arctic region. The discussions from this event led to more grounded, unifying conversation regarding possibilities for climate interventions on the Arctic and the urgent and critical need for research.
Alistair Duffey, PhD Candidate, University College London, Haruki Hirasawa, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria, Kelly Wanser, Executive Director, SilverLining
[Photo by Pietari Purovaara & Santtu Salminen]