A collection of opinion pieces, newsletters, and brief publications from our team members and expert contributors.
Research Publications
Scientific research papers from researchers supported through the Safe Earth System Research Initiative.

Atlantic Council Issue Brief: Accelerating Earth System Intervention Research to Improve Global Security
This issue brief examines solar radiation modification approaches and research needs, potential risks and benefits, security considerations, and U.S. and international policy options for equitable and effective governance and decision-making.
Published on October 4, 2024
by Kelly Wanser and Ira Straus

Near-term Climate Risk and Intervention: A Roadmap for Research, U.S. Research Investment and International Scientific Cooperation
A roadmap for the essential research and investments required to assess rapid climate interventions and their potential to reduce the catastrophic risks of near-term climate change.
Published on Jun 30, 2022
by SilverLining
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Ensuring a Safe Climate: A National Imperative for Research in Sunlight Reflection and Earth System Prediction
SilverLining’s report for U.S. policymakers highlights society’s exposure to near-term climate risks and the need for research in technological interventions in climate as part of a broad portfolio of responses to ensure safety.
Published on April 1, 2019
by SilverLining

Think Globally, Govern Locally: Designing a National Research Program on Near-Term Climate Risks and Possible Interventions
In the third paper of the international policy series by C2ES and SilverLining, the authors authors outline the elements of a model national program aimed at providing information in a timely, safe, and open manner to allow for evaluation by policymakers and the public.
Published on April 1, 2021
by Dan Bodansky and Kelly Wanser

Climate Intervention: The Case for Research
In a new paper published by C2ES and SilverLining, climate law experts and advisors to SilverLining Sue Biniaz and Dan Bodansky discuss the role and nature of the research necessary to enable decision-making about interventions that might play a role in addressing near-term climate risks.
Published on Oct 26, 2020
by Dan Bodansky and Sue Biniaz

Solar Climate Intervention: Options for International Assessment and Decision-Making
Climate law experts explore feasible options for assessing solar climate intervention and governing it internationally. They consider the interconnected "two safeties": the safety of the global climate and the safety of potential SCI. Additionally, they outline a science-based approach for international cooperation in governing SCI research and potential usage.
Published on Jul 13, 2020
by Dan Bodansky and Sue Biniaz